Cyber Security for schools

We discuss the recent rise in Cyber Attacks on schools across the UK

5th June 2023


Claim your free Cyber Security review & report

There has been an increase in Cyber Attacks on schools across the UK in recent years. Yesterday it was reported in the news that a school in Essex became victims of a Cyber Attack. The names, addresses and medical notes of children from The Billericay School were accessed by criminals over the half term break. Read more about this case in the BBC news article here.

Last year, cyber attacks on schools increased by 55% according to a BBC report. With the threat of cyber attacks increasing each year, it is even more essential that schools have a reliable cyber security package in place. As many as 98% of schools have no cyber security strategy in place, leaving themselves openly vulnarable to attacks. Last year 17% of schools reported Cyber Attacks, and this figure is expected to increase every year.

Trailblaze IT offer schools a choice of three Cyber Security packages so that you can choose one that suits your school and budget. View our table below to compare our packages. Our Cyber Security services include 24/7 Threat Detection and Prevention to ensure your school is protected all of the time, including half terms and school holidays. Our Disaster Recovery Solution will protect your school from data loss in the event of a fire, flood or Cyber Attack. We also provide Email Security to shield you from spoofing and phishing attacks. View more of our Cyber Security services in the lists below.

We are currently offering schools across the UK a free IT review, followed by a report detailing any areas of vulnerability within your system. Each area will be highlighted Red, Amber and Green to show the severity of the vulnerabilities. This free review is completed remotely, and there is no obligation for follow up work. Fill out the form below to book your free Review and start the process to get your school protected today.

Threat & Intrusion detection

  • Live Threat Detection
  • 24/7 monitoring / alerts

Backups & Disaster Recovery

  • Onsite backup
  • Offsite backup
  • Offline backup
  • Google backup
  • 365 backup
  • Disaster recovery

Threat & Intrusion Prevention

  • Firewall
  • 2FA
  • Encryption
  • Network security standards
  • Access control
  • Penetration Testing
  • Antivirus

Email Security

  • Security rules
  • Spam and filtering
  • Spoofing attack prevention

Packages overview

We offer three Cyber Security packages for schools that provide different levels of protection depending on your requirements. Please contact us if you would like to find out more about our packages or would like a quote.

  • Microsoft 365 / Google Backup
  • Cloud backup for onsite data
  • Disaster recovery backup
  • 24/7 Server & Infrastructure Monitoring
  • Antivirus, Password and Web Browsing protection
  • Cyber Security Testing
  • 24/7 Threat detection & monitoring
  • 24/7 Threat prevention
  • Email Security


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We can help your organisation become protected

We can provide our cyber security packages to schools and businesses based anywhere within the UK.
Contact us today using the below details


0330 223 6000

Mon - Fri


Happy to help

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