
IT audits for businesses

An IT Audit is a full and comprehensive review of your IT infrastructure, devices, software and services. It is important to complete a thorough IT Audit regularly to ensure that the systems in place are secure, working as they should, and that they are achieving the desired results.

Businesses should schedule regular technical reviews to ensure reliable and trustworthy systems.


Onsite review

3 - 5 days


Data collection

5 days


Produce report

3 - 5 days

IT audits that are

Our IT Audits make sure that your entire IT network is healthy and reliable. We provide a comprehensive review of your entire systems, software and infrastructure and provide recommendations on moving forward with your IT.

The process

We provide a highly qualified, experienced engineer to perform a 3-5 days onsite evaluation and a further 3-5 days to review the findings and produce a report. You will then be presented with an easy to understand report highlighted with Red, Amber and Green (RAG) ratings to show where improvements are needed. Our improvement solutions will include three tiers of ‘Good, Better and Best’ to allow for budget constraints and personal requirements.

Areas of focus

Our report looks at 25 areas of focus, including Hardware; such as Devices & Printers, Email, Servers, Infrastructure, Documentation & Processes, Software, Security, Antivirus, Internet and Telephony.

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amtek group logo

Trailblaze are always willing to go the extra mile to resolve our issues as quickly as possible

Chris Guy, Amtek Group

all saints primary school logo

We are so happy we switched to Trailblaze IT for our support - the service has been excellent

All Saints Primary School

verwood first school logo

We now have an extremely reliable IT solution for our school

Verwood First School

somerford primary school

We would definitely recommend Trailblaze to other schools.

Somerford Primary School

holy trinity primary school

Staff have been very impressed with the service

Holy Trinity C.E. Primary School

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You're in safe hands



We offer a comprehensive range of Managed IT Services to help you get the best from your IT. Delivered by a highly skilled and experienced team, we offer enterprise-class services to satisfy the scale of any organisation, whilst always maintaining an intimate, user-focused approach.


ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 compliant

We work within ISO 9001 & ISO 27001 standards and ensure everything we do is documented, audit-able and always completed to a high standard and inline with our internal processes and procedures. Internal automation, documentation and procedures allow us to provide highly effective support. Our integrated quality and IMS policy is available on request.

We work with the best

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